Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Consulting with your stylist for beautiful hair you desire.

The key to beauty is feeling good about yourself! Hair is your number one accessory; however, it is not like a dress that you can change from one-second to the next. This is why when you are consulting with your stylist it is imperative that you have clear communication and understanding of what your desired look is. First, find a stylist that you trust. Once that is established, make sure each and every time you meet you discuss what you like and dislike about your hair. An exceptional stylist will always take five to ten minutes to discuss what you want and what the stylist feels they can achieve. I know for a lot of people hair is extremely personal and you want it exactly your way, but I challenge each and everyone of you to listen to your stylist when they make a suggestion or suggestions. Always remember that they are the professional and have been trained to look at each individuals shape of face, bone structure, skin tone, and eye color to come up with the most individualized look for you. I hope upon reading this that next time you visit your beloved stylist you will sit down in the chair with ease and have a new or refreshed look for the next 4 to 6 weeks.